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Justino M. de Almeida, Roteiro das Bibliotecas e Arquivos dependentes administrativamente do Instituto Português do Patrimonio Cultural. Lisboa 1984. 76 pp.

American Library Directory. vols. 1ff. New York 1923ff.; American library Directory Updating Service. vols. 1ff. New York 1969ff.

Annuario delle biblioteche italiane. 3rd ed. by Ettore Appoloni in cooperation with Marcello Maioli. Rome 1969ff.

Archive, Bibliotheken und Dokumentationsstellen der Schweiz. 3rd ed. Bern 1958. xvi, 144 pp. Arranged alphabetically by cities. The previous editions appeared in 1942 and 1946 under the title: Führer durch die schweizerische Dokumentation.

Archive im deutschsprachigen Raum (Minerva-Handbücher). 2 vols. 2nd ed. Berlin and New York 1974. 1418 pp.

Archivi storici, biblioteche, musei ecclesiastici delle Marche. Prima indagine ricognitiva, a cura di Constanza Costanzi, Flavia Emanuelli and Loretta Monzoni. s. l. et a. (in any case in the late 80ies).

*Archivos y Bibliotecas Eclesiásticos de Castilla y León (Divulgación). Valladolid 1989 (vel 1990). 144 pp. No index.

*Associazione archivistica ecclesiastica. Guida degli Archivi diocesani d'Italia I, a cura di Vincenzo Monachino, Emanuele Boaga, Luciano Osbat, Salvatore Palese (Quaderni della Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato, 61). Rome 1990. 300 pp.

Josep Baucells Reig, Guía dels arxius eclesiàstics de Catalunya, Valéncia-Baelears. Barcelona 1978.

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Katalog der Handbibliothek der Handschriftenabteilung. 8 vols. Wiesbaden 1981-1983 (vol. 1, pp. 221-518: 'Handschriftenkataloge nach ihrer Aufstellung im Lesesaal'; vol. 3-8: Indices).

Biblioteche Pubbliche Romagnole. Bologna 1954. 131 pp.

*R. Diederichs and H. Schneider (red.), Bibliothekstaschenbuch Schweiz = Guide des bibliothèques suisses. Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, Archivbibliotheken, Dokumentationsstellen, allgemeine öffentliche Bibliotheken. Aarau 1991. 216 pp.

Bibliothèque Nationale [Paris], Département des Manuscrits. Catalogue alphabétique des Livres Imprimés mis à la disposition des lecteurs dans la Salle de Travail. 4th ed. Paris 1933. 142 pp.; pp. 24-71: 'Catalogues des manuscrits'.

J. Bohatta and M. Holzmann, Adressbuch der Bibliotheken der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. Vienna 1900. 573 pp. Two sections for Austria and Hungary, each arranged alpha betically by cities.

The same, 'Nachtrag zum Adressbuch der Bibliotheken der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie', Mittheilungen des österreichischen Vereines für Bibliothekswesen 5 (1901) 33-37; 79-83; 7 (1903) 13-16; 126-129; 8 (1904) 39-41; 11 (1907) 137-139.

Isidoro Carini, Gli archivi e le biblioteche di Spagna. 2 vols. Palermo 1884-1897.

Andrée Chauleur, Bibliothèques et archives: Comment se documenter? Guide pratique à l'usage des étudiants, des professeurs, des documentalists et archivists, des chercheurs ... 2nd ed. Paris 1980. 334 pp.

E. Chwalewik, Zbiory polskie, archiva, biblioteki, galerje, muzea. 2 vols. Warsaw-Cracow 1926-1927. Arranged alphabetically by cities.

*Cito (Consiglio Interbibliotecario Toscano), Guida ai fondi speciali delle biblioteche toscane, a cura di Sandra Di Majo (Cataloghi di bibliografie toscane, C 1). Florence 1990. xiii, 142 pp. Index.

A. Constantin, Essai d'une statistique des bibliothèques publiques des pays étrangers de l'Europe. Paris 1841. 60 pp. Arranged by countries.

Bailey W. Diffie, 'Bibliography of the principal published guides to Potuguese Archives and Libraries', Atlas do Colóquio International des Estudos Luso-Brasileiros. Washington , 15 - 20 de Outubro de 1950. Nashville 1953, pp. 161-188.

Elenco delle Biblioteche d'Italia. Milan 1926. 197 pp.

*Charles B. Faulhaber, Libros y bibliotecas en la Espana medieval. Ma bibliografia de fuentes impresas (Research biographies and checklists, 47), London 1987. 214 pp.

Janet Foster and Julia Sheppard, British Archives. A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom. London 1982. xxv, 533 pp. Index.

Raymond Foulché-Delbosc and L. Barrau-Dihigo, Manuel de l'hispanisant. New York 1920. vol. I, pp. 183-376; pp. 449-495: Bibliography of Spanish libraries.

Führer durch die schweizerische Dokumentation. See above under Archive.

Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the U.S.S.R.: Moscow and Leningrad. Princeton NJ 1972. xxx, 436 pp. Supplement 1. Zug 1976.

The same, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the U.S.S.R.: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belorussia. Princeton NJ 1981. xliii, 929 pp. Index. Mentions Latin mss., some medieval mss. in Tartu, Riga and Minsk.

The same, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the U.S.S.R., Ukraine and Moldavia. vol. 1: General bibliography and institutional directory. Princeton NJ 1988.

Guía de los archivos estatales españoles (Ministerio de educación y ciencia). Madrid 1977. 152 pp.

Guía de los archivos y las bibliotecas de la Iglesia en España. 2 vols. León 1985. vol. I: Archivos. 547 pp. vol. II: Bibliotecas. 376 pp. Indicates manuscript collections and the catalogues.

*Guía dels arxius eclesiàstics de Catalunya, Valencia y Balears. Barcelona 1978.

Guía histórica y descriptiva de los archivos, bibliotecas y museos arqueológicos de España que están a cargo de Cuerpo Facultativo del ramo. [1.] Sección de Archivos. Archivos Historicos. Madrid 1916.

Guida generale degli Archivi di Stato Italiani. Direttori: Piero D'Angiolini and Claudio Pavone (Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali. Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici). 3 vols. Rome 1981-1986. Imcomplete, up to letter 'R' inclusive.

Guide to the location of collections described in the Reports and Calendar Series 1870-1980 (Guides to sources for British history based on the National Register of Archives, 3). London 1982. 71 pp.

Guide-Manuel des Bibliothèques de Rome (ed. by the Institut Historique Néerlandais). Revised ed. Rome 1932. 100 pp.

Helmar Härtel, Adressbuch der Sammlungen mittelalterlicher Handschriften in Niedersachsen (Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Niedersachsen. Ed. by the Arbeitsstelle zur Handschriftenerschliessung in der Herzog August Bibliothek, 1). Wolfenbüttel 1976. 104 pp.

Philipp May Hamer (ed.), A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States, compiled for the National Historical Publications Commission. 1961.

*Handbuch der Historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland. In Zusammenarbeit mit Severin Corsten, Eberhard Dünninger, Berndt Dugall, Wolfgang Kehr, Friedhilde Krause und Paul Raabe. Hg. von Bernhard Fabian. Bd. 1-.., Hildesheim 1992-..
*-Bd. 1-2 (19..): Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen, Hamburg und Niedersachsen.
*-Bd. 3-4 (1992/93): Nordrhein-Westfalen
*-Bd. 5 (1992): Hessen, A-L. Hg. von Berndt Dugall. Bearb. von Sabine Wefers und Eve Picard, unter Mitarbeit von Jochen Stollberg. 363 S.
*-Bd. 6 (1993): Hessen (II), M-...; Rheinland-Pfalz.
*-Bd. 7-8 (1994): Baden-Württemberg und Saarland.
*-Bd. 9 (1994)
*-Bd. 10 (1996): Bayern, Teil 1: München. 420 S. (ISBN 3-487-09584-X) (198,-).
*-Bd. 11 (1997): Berlin.
*-Bd. 12 (1996): Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt.
*-Bd. 13-14 (1995): Sachsen und Thüringen.
*-Bd. 15 (1997): Berlin
*-Bd. 16 (1996): Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Brandenburg, hg. von Friedhilde Krause. bearb. von Gerhard Heitz und Ina-Maria Treuter. Register von Karen Kloth. 456 S. (ISBN 3-487-09590-4) (198,-).
*-Bd. 17-18 (1996/97): Sachsen hg. von Friedhilde Krause. 729 S.
*-Bd. 19-21 (1999-2000): Thüringen hg. von Friedhilde Krause. 847 S.
-Bd. 22 (2000): Sachsen hg. von Friedhilde Krause. 64, 257 S.
-Bd. 23. Gesamtregister (2000). Gesamtregister: Personenregister. Zusammengestellt von Karen Kloth und André Schüller. Alphabetisches und systematisches Verzeichnis der Bibliotheken. Zsgest. von Matthias Bauer. 314 S.
-Bd. 24-27 (2000): Sachregister. Zusammengestellt von Karen Kloth und André Schüller. 855 S.

*Handbuch der Historischen Buchbestände in Österreich. Hg. von der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek unter Leitung von Helmut W. Lang. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Handbuch der Historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland, hg. von Bernhard Fabian. Bd. 1-4, Hildesheim 1994-1996.

*-Bd. 1

*-Bd. 2

*-Bd. 3

*-Bd. 4 (1996): Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg. 300 S. (ISBN 3-487-09908-X) (198,-).

František Hoffmann and Jiří Pražak, 'Průvodce po rukopisných fondech českých zemí [Guide sommaire des fonds manuscrits conservés dans les pays tchèques]', Studie o rukopisech 11 (1972) 99-112.

Informationsführer. Bibliotheken. Bibliotheken und Informationsstellen in Österreich. Ed. by Peter Kubalek. Vienna 1983. 492 pp.

International directory of archives = Annuaire international des archives (Archivum, 33). Munich et al. 1988. xlv, 351 pp.

The international directory of manuscripts, collections, libraries, private collections, repositories and archives. Répertoire des bibliothèques, collections, dépôts de manuscrits et archives dans le monde. Ed. by Gérard and E. Weil, vol. I: Europe. pt. 1: The manuscripts collections (Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, Université de Nancy, II). Paris 1978. 301 pp.

International Library Dictionary. A World Directory of Libraries. London 1968. 1222 pp. 3rd ed. 1969/70 ed. by A. P. Walls.

Inventare Schweizerischer Archive (Beilage zum Anzeiger für Schweizerische Geschichte). 2 pts. Bern 1895-1899. Pt. 2, pp. 1-110: Inventar des Staatsarchivs des Kantons Zürich, by P. Schweizer. pp. 118-184: Inventar des Stiftsarchivs St. Gallen, by J. Häne.

Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d'Italia, see Mazzatinti.R. Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, Guida storica e bibliografica degli Archivi e delle Biblioteche d'Italia. Rome.
-vol. I (1932): Provincia di Firenze. pt. 1: R. Piattoli, Prato. 177 pp. (Cr. I # 2).
-vol. II (1934): Provincia di Pistoia. pt. 1: R. Piattoli, Pistoia. 229 pp.
-vol. III (1937): Fernanda Ascarelli, Biblioteche e Istituti Stranieri in Roma. 156 pp.
-vol. IV (1937): L. Mattei Cerasoli, Badia della SS. Trinità di Cava. 45 pp. Gives a brief list of 162 mss. (pp. 29-34). No index.
-vol. V (1939): Tullia Gasparrini Leporace, I manoscritti Capilupiani della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. xxiv, 145 pp. Describes 73 mss. (Vittorio Emmanuele, 1008-1080). Index (pp. 127ff.) (Cr. I # 2).
-vol. VI (1940): Provincia di Aquila. pt. 1: L. Cassese, Città di Aquila. xix, 104 pp. Surveys mss. (pp. 46-48); pt. 2: the same, Provincia di Aquila (pp. 69-70).

Jahrbuch der Deutschen Bibliotheken. Vol. 53. Wiesbaden 1989; Vol. 54. Wiesbaden 1991. xx, 639 pp.

Richard C. Lewanski, Guide to Polish Libraries and Archives. Boulder et al. 1974 (publ. 1975).

*Las edades del hombre. Libros y documentos en la Iglesia de Castilla y León. Burgos 1990. xxiv, 477 pp.

Libraries in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 5th and following eds. London 1974ff.

*Francesco Marraro, Repertorio delle biblioteche italiane. Rome 1989. 608 pp.; 2nd ed. Rome 1993. 574 pp. More than 13 000 libraries.

Felipe Mateu y Llopis, 'Los catálogos de las bibliotecas y archivos eclesiásticos de España', Hispania Sacra 1 (1948) 207-228. Arranged by cities.

Minerva-Handbücher. Section I: Die Bibliotheken. Vol. I (1929): H. Praesent, Deutsches Reich. 999 pp. vol. II (1932): R. Teichl, Österreich. 312 pp. vol. III (1934): F. Burckhardt, Schweiz. 240 pp.

Same title, Section II: Die Archive, by P. Wentzke and G. Lüdtke. vol. I. Berlin and Leipzig 1932. 658 pp. Covers Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland.

Minerva: Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. Abteilung: Forschungsinstitute, Observatorien, Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen, Kommissionen, Gesellschaften. Leipzig 1937. 1765 pp. Alphabetically by cities.

*Vincenzo Monachino et al., Guida degli Archivi diocesani d'Italia, Rome 1990.

Nederlandse Bibliotheekgids. 4th ed., by C. J. Nissink. Amsterdam 1949. x, 336 coll. Older editions since 1913.

Luxmoore Newcombe, The University and College Libraries of Great Britain and Ireland. London 1927. 220 pp. Alphabetical list arranged by cities, with statistics.

Herwig Ooms and Gaston Braive, Répertoire des bibliothèques ecclésiastiques scientifiques en Belgique. Brussels 1971. 167 pp.

Gösta Ottervik, Libraries and Archives in Sweden. Stockholm 1954. 216 pp.

*F. Della Peruta, Biblioteche e archivi. Guida alla consultazione (Manuali professionali, 60). Milan 1984. 122 pp.

F. R. Reichert, Handbuch der kirchlichen katholisch-theologischen Bibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Westberlin (Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholisch-theologischer Bibliotheken, 39). 2nd ed. Munich 1979. 175 pp.; 3rd ed. Munich 1991. 175 pp.

Répertoire des Bibliothèques de France. 3 vols. Paris 1950-1951. vol. I: Bibliothèques de Paris. Paris 1950; vol. II: Bibliothèques des départements. Paris 1950; vol. III: Centres et services de documentation. Paris 1951.

*Repertorium der handschriftlichen Nachlässe in den Bibliotheken und Archiven der Schweiz. Répertoire sommaire des fonds manuscrits conservés dans les bibliothèques et archives de Suisse. repertorio sommario dei fondi manoscritti nelle biblioteche e negli archivi della Svizzera. Zuwachsliste. Liste complémentaire. Lista complementare 1968-1978. Bern 1980. 26 pp.

Ulysse Robert, 'État des catalogues des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique et de Hollande', Le Cabinet Historique 24, 2 (1878) 196-225.

The same, 'État des catalogues des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Danemark, d'Islande, de Norvège et de Suède', ibid. 26, 2 (1880) 119-138.

The same, 'État des catalogues des manuscrits des bibliothèques d'Espagne et de Portugal', ibid. 26, 2 (1880) 294-299.

Paul Schwenke, Adressbuch der Deutschen Bibliotheken (Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft 10). Leipzig 1893. 411 pp.

*C. Senser, Die Bibliotheken der Schweiz (Elemente des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, 13), Wiesbaden 1987, 2nd ed. 1991. 176 pp.

Société des Nations, Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle. Guide International des Archives, Europe. Paris and Rome (1934). viii, 393 pp.

Maura Tallon, Church of Ireland Diocesan Libraries. Dublin 1959. 30 pp. Arranged alphabetically by cities.

G. Valentinelli, 'Delle biblioteche della Spagna', Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften [Vienna], Phil.-Hist. Classe XXXIII (1860) 4-178.

Verzeichnis Oesterreichischer Bibliotheken (Biblos-Schriften, 1). Vienna 1953. xv, 191 pp.

*D. F. Walle, with C. J. Bowers, The Guide to the manuscript collections at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, Fairbanks (AK) 1990.

Erwin K. Welsch, Libraries and Archives in France. A Handbook. 3rd ed. New York 1979. ii, 147 pp.

*D. L. De Witt (ed.), Guides to Archives and manuscript collections in the United States. Annotated bibliography, Westport, CT, 1994.

World Guide to Libraries. Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch. 5th ed. by Helga Lengenfelder (Handbook of International Documentation and Information. Handbuch der Internationalen Dokumentation und Information, 8). 8th ed. 1987; 9th ed. Munich et al. 1989. xxxv, 1001 pp.

World Guide to Special Libraries (Handbook of International Documentation and Infomation, 17). 2 vols. 2nd ed. Munich et al. 1990. xxxiv, 1196 pp.

The World of Learning. 38th ed. London 1988. xv, 1925 pp.; 43rd ed. London 1993. 2072 pp. Lists the more important libraries for each country.

Yugoslav Libraries. Zagreb 1954. 61 pp.